Friday, July 23, 2010

Colombia-April 5-12

We left on April 5th for Fusagasuga, Colombia for a week of Ministry with our missions team from Citylife Church and Wayne Wozniak, the missionary in Colombia. The week consisted of: construction at the seminary and newly established church, drug and alcohol education at local schools, ministering to seminary students and drama ministries in various locations. We were the first group from the States to work with Wayne in this area, so this trip was about opening doors that could be used in the future. We got several invitations back to the schools, so our goal was accomplished. The team not only spoke of how we had or hadn't experienced drugs or alcohol and how God either kept us or saved us from that life. We had a great time playing "Chubby bunny" and various other games to get the kids accustomed to us and doing numerous dramas to convey our point. Overall, it was a fabulous trip. The country and people of Colombia are beautiful.  

Teaching about drugs and alcohol at a local school.
On of the boys at a local school where we did a program.
Jeremiah and Josh working at the Seminary.
A beautiful girl at the local school.
At a lookout above Bogota.
Bogota, stunning!
The group from Citylife Church along with some of the seminary students. 
Clockwise from top left: Cassie, Me, Chris(from a church in Bogota, love her!), Tracy, and Gynafer.


Celebrating our sixth wedding Anniversary in Miami. Nothing like some R & R :)

Six Anniversary-A look back at the beginning...

So we started "officially" dating February 14, 2001. So in all, we've spent a huge portion of our lives together. I can't remember what life is like pre-Jeremiah, and I wouldn't have it any other way. To have experienced so many exciting things and trials of life together has given us an unbreakable bond. I love being married to my best friend who I can be me around. So we just celebrated out six anniversary on July 17th and took a mini-vacay to Miami, but I also wanted to take a look back to some old day photos, so here they are...

Cayman Islands with Garage Youth Group '01
Fall Retreat '01
My HS Graduation '03
My prom '03
Engagement photos '04
Wedding Shower '04
Wedding July 17 2004
Our wedding at Lange Farm '04
Our wedding '04
Honeymoon in Jamaica '04
Grand Canyon '05
New York '05